Public URLs for

Spend more time programming. One command for an instant, secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or firewall.

Start Now
https://eshop.fixedip.inWelcome to Eshop’s Site!It’s currently under development…Check back soon!$node app.jsServing app.js port 3000$./fixedip -c config.inifixedIP ______ _ _ _ | ____(_) | (_) | |__ ___ _____ __| |_ _ __ | __| | \ \/ / _ \/ _` | | '_ \ | | | |> < __/ (_| | | |_) | |_| |_/_/\_\___|\__,_|_| .__/ | | |_| Proxy Statusonline

How it's Work ?

Here is the simple step how FixedIP works.

1. Download fixedip

2. Connect your service

3. Access from anywhere

Our Great feature

Test mobile apps connected to your locally running backend

Stable addresses for your connected devices that are deployed in the field

Build webhook consumers on your dev machine

Run personal cloud services from your home

Demo websites without deploying

Questions regarding FixedIP ?

You questions, our answers.

What is FixedIP ?
FixedIP is used to access the local port or HTTP service over the internet without the need of static IP.
How to setup FixedIP ?
Jusy register here goto dashboard search for domain buy the apprppiate plan and download FixedIP software download config file by selecting the domain you want put config file folder and start the run file and done.
Who can use FixedIP ?
User who did not have static IP or what to share local port or HTTP website to the internet with the their own website name.
Can I have my own Domain?
No, You can get your own subdomain with suffix
Can it forword multiple port to the internet ?
No, you need to buy multiple FixedIP.
In which OS does it work ?
It works in almost all OS, Window, Linx & Mac.
Do fixedip will work with mobile network ?
Yes, It will work in mobile internet it can ever bypass firewall is some cose.